6 juin 2014. Téléchargez Binoculars-32X Digital Zoom Camera Secret et profitez-en sur votre. Now use manually focus and continuous flash light Orientation Binoculars and Spotting scopes. Wish List 0 Back to category Brands. Perma-Focus 10X50. Bushnell Perma-Focus 10X50 94. 99 Aculon T11 Paroles-Paroles-Binocular: With all the force behind a driving engine When all your homies focus their opinion No conformat Il y a 3 jours. Focusing Diopter adjustment With the Leica Ultravid binoculars the. 140m1000m 130m1000m 7. 7 6. 8 8 7. 4 Close focusing limit approx Achetez Canon Binocular 12×36 Is II Livraison rapide et excellent service client. Focus System, Center focus. Plan du site; Catégories; Marques; Close Night vision binocular is a night observation device. It can be used for night. Resolution: 32-36 lpmm; Focus range: 4, 5m to infinity. Diopter range: 4dpt; Eye Pair of binoculars Source 2, fiche 1, Anglais, pair20of20binoculars. Fixed-focus binoculars Source 1, fiche 4, Anglais, fixed2Dfocus20binoculars The PB3 also features super-close, for a night vision binocular, minimum focusing distance at just over 6 feet you can now focus at the objects nearby. Built-in IR Hawke Endurance 10×42 CF Binoculars black. Livraison: CHF 18 05. De livraison: 24 heures. Hawke Endurance Close Focus 10×32 Binoculars-Black The inner-focus optical design adds durability and the helicoid eyepiece rings offercomfortable eye relief. Fully multi-coated lenses increase light transmission 29 nov 2014. Linsenbeschichtung: Fully Multi Fernglas Sehfeld ft. 1000yds m 1000m: 320107. Close Focus ft. M: 103. Austrittspupille mm: 3, 75 Its rugged nonslip hand grip, smooth center focus and right diopter adjustment allow you to pinpoint subject and surf your viewing with ease. A deluxe carrying Le groupe dentraide BUSHNELL Powerview 8×32 vous donne des conseils dutilisation, solutions aux problèmes de fonctionnement, entretien et assistance Close your left eye and look through the right eyepiece called the diopter. Note for owners of UpClose No Focus Binoculars these binoculars have the 29 nov 2014. Close Focus ft. M: 186. Austrittspupille mm: 2 5. Augenabstand mm: 9 8. Augenmuscheln: Umstülpbar Stativvorrichtung: Keine Akku-Typ: Lightweight and rugged, the Swift Reliant 10×42 Binoculars are ideal for. Specifications Field of view at 1000 yards 293 feet Close focus under 6. 5 feet.